Simply give crop protection orders to a contractor and find them easily later.
Simply give crop protection orders to a contractor and find them easily later.
You can record the potting schedule, when started and when finished, and note all characteristics of the crop.
Such a carefully recorded cultivation protocol is extra valuable if someone else has to replace you (temporarily).
You have detailed lot information that is useful for sales: when potted, when deliverable, which (cultivation) characteristics.
The temperature in the greenhouse, the humidity, the light intensity: these and other parameters give you insight into the growing conditions in the greenhouse. On the Log & Solve dashboard, you record this data with absolute clarity.
Once you have collected data, you can use Log & Solve to gain insight into what is happening in the crop. The comparison tool allows you to analyze and compare cultivation data quickly and easily. For example, compare different cultivation lots side by side or compare yields from different years.
Cultivation optimization today is no longer a matter of intuition, green thumb or gut feeling. To get the maximum return, you want to work data-driven. Log & Solve's dashboard helps you make informed choices.
With the Log & Solve dashboard you can easily monitor the state of your crop. You collect valuable data such as cultivation conditions, cultivation operations and your own observations in one convenient place. Even when you are not on the farm, you can easily view this data on your phone or tablet.
Crop history is an indispensable ingredient for crop optimization. Logging now what is happening in the nursery helps you make better choices today, tomorrow and next year. It gives insight into what went well and what needs to be changed. The knowledge and key figures that are in your head also become available to colleagues through logging. And - not unimportantly - for various certifications, such as MPS or control of the NVWA, logging data is also a must.
Almost every grower runs into cultivation problems or challenges sooner or later. Think of diseases, pests, disappointing yields or disappointing quality. The basis for solving these always lies in data. Admittedly, 'measuring is knowing' sounds like an open door, but it is a truism. After all, when you start turning knobs to adjust cultivation, you want to know which knobs to choose and whether to turn left or right.
Whether you're a grower of cut flowers, bulbs, potted plants, vegetables, fruit, trees or herbs: data make the difference. Log & Solve's dashboard is suitable for all crops. So yours too!
Log & Solve is an initiative of Klasmann-Deilmann, a global supplier of substrates, raw materials and Growcoon plugs for horticulture. With a small, enthusiastic and, above all, highly motivated team, the people at Log & Solve work continuously to optimize and expand the digital tool for crop management.
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